#BikinSampaiJadi Caraku, Karyaku | Street Artist Kenji Chai

#BikinSampaiJadi Caraku, Karyaku | Street Artist Kenji Chai

Apr 2022 | 廣告 | 6分43秒
No matter your passion, street artist Kenji Chai believes that as long as you love what you do, you can #BikinSampaiJadi your way, too.

Watch the film to uncover his story today! In an exclusive partnership with Hotlink, Kenji shows us exactly what it means to #BikinSampaiJadi when he brought his passion for graffiti art to life, all whilst paying tribute to his home-state of Sabah.

Got dreams of your own? #BikinSampaiJadi your way with Hotlink Prepaid. Now with unlimited internet or high-speed internet passes from only RM2.
導演: Chong Kern Wei
攝影指導: Yuki (Eyoki)
剪輯: Chong Kern Wei
演員: Kenji Chai
製作公司: Arts In Motion
語言: English, Cantonese (粤语)
字幕: Bahasa Melayu, English